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Optimize Your Linkedin in Just 40 Minutes | ATAK Interactive

Written by Austin LaRoche, ATAK Interactive CEO | Feb 1, 2018 10:31:20 PM

You’ve been connecting with colleagues and peers on LinkedIn for years but have you tapped into the power of LinkedIn company pages? Having an optimized LinkedIn company page can help you stay top of mind, become a thought leader in your industry, and attract top talent. Here are seven simple ways to spruce up your company page.

To Get Started

Simply click on the “Me” icon in the upper right corner, and click on your company page. Once there, hit “Overview” and use the small pencil icon on the top right corner of each section to edit the content within.

1. Add a Banner

Time Spent: 5 minutes
Swap out LinkedIn’s default banner image for a branded one; it’s a quick change that packs a big punch. We recommend keeping it simple and using your company’s homepage as a reference point, it’s best for your users to have a cohesive experience between platforms.

2. Create Showcase Pages (Time spent: 15 minutes)

Time Spent: 15 minutes
LinkedIn Showcase Pages allow you to create a page dedicated to a specific product or ongoing marketing event. Aside from allowing you to highlight products and market to specific users, Showcase Pages also come with analytics which means you’ll be able to gain valuable insight into user behavior. LinkedIn allows you to create up to 10 showcase pages per company profile, so remember to focus on your best products and services.

3. Add Keywords to your Profile (Time Spent: 5 minutes)

Time Spent: 5 minutes
Take the time to go through your LinkedIn profile and make sure you’re inserting keywords where relevant. What you post on LinkedIn shows up in search results, both in web searches and searches conducted within the LinkedIn environment so being very thoughtful about keyword placement helps increase impressions.

4. Use the Life Tab 

Time Spent: 15 minutes
A huge part of your company’s identity is your corporate culture. The Life tab gives you space to highlight just what makes your company such a wonderful place to work. Try LinkedIn’s free Career Page trial, include images of company events, some fun facts about your employees, and what your company values are.

Now that your company page is fully optimized:

5. Ask Your Employees to Add Your Company to Their Profile

Expanding your social reach will mean more eyeballs on your content, also the larger your reach on LinkedIn, the more likely you’ll attract users outside of your network. The quickest way to bolster your reach is by encouraging your employees to add the company page to their LinkedIn profile.

6. Keep Your LinkedIn Page Up-To-Date

This one sounds obvious but it’s important. Make sure all the information on your page is up to date, this includes your location, hours, job openings, etc. Also, if any press comes out about your company (new stories, blog features, etc.), this is the perfect place to share that. Keeping your page updated has a two-fold benefit: 1.) when users see a new job posting or a shared blog posts in their feed, your company remains top of mind and 2.) users know that your LinkedIn isn’t a ghost town and may opt to reach out to you on the platform.

Your LinkedIn Company page is looking stellar, keep it up by sharing content on a daily or weekly basis. For more ideas on how to set up your content strategy and schedule, check out our blog post.