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The Future of Gated Content

The Future of Gated Content

3 Minute Read |
July 11, 2024

In our latest discussion, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Annie Birai, better known in the marketing world as the HubSpot Empress. Annie's extensive knowledge and experience with HubSpot made her the perfect person to discuss a topic that has been a point of contention among marketers: gated content. Our conversation delved into the nuances of gated content, the role of AI in shaping its future, and how HubSpot's tools can alleviate some of the common frustrations associated with it. This insightful exchange highlighted the evolving landscape of digital marketing and provided actionable strategies for navigating it effectively.

Understanding the Gated Content Dilemma

gated content

We began our discussion by addressing a common frustration: the transactional nature of gated content. Gated content requires users to exchange their contact information for access to valuable resources such as whitepapers, eBooks, or reports. While this strategy can be effective, it often feels like an unwelcome barrier, especially when the content doesn't immediately provide compelling value. In an age where users are increasingly wary of sharing their personal information, this can create significant friction.

As a consumer, I've often found myself deterred by the demand for my email address in exchange for content. This sentiment was echoed by Annie, who acknowledged the need for a more thoughtful approach to gated content. Instead of viewing it purely as a transactional exchange, there should be a focus on creating genuine value and reducing barriers to access.


Progressive Forms: Reducing Friction

HubSpot offers innovative solutions that can mitigate the friction typically associated with gated content. One such solution is the use of progressive forms. Progressive forms allow businesses to collect information incrementally, rather than repeatedly asking for the same details. For example, if a user's email is already known, subsequent forms can skip this step or ask different questions, streamlining the user experience.

Annie highlighted the importance of minimizing the information requested in initial forms. By asking only for essential details like an email address, companies can reduce barriers to entry and enhance conversion rates. Once a user is in the system, additional data can be gathered progressively. This approach not only improves the user experience but also increases the likelihood of obtaining the desired information over time.


The Power of Integrations and Enrichment

Another key aspect of our discussion was the power of integrations and data enrichment. HubSpot's integrations with tools like ZoomInfo and Apollo offer additional ways to enrich contact information. By leveraging these integrations, businesses can collect valuable insights about leads with minimal user input, further enhancing the effectiveness of gated content strategies.

These integrations can automatically pull in additional information, such as a lead's first and last name, industry, and company size, based on their email address. This not only saves time but also ensures that the data collected is accurate and comprehensive. For budget-conscious businesses, tools like Apollo provide an affordable option to enrich contact data and gain deeper insights into their leads.


Enhancing Engagement Through Tracking and Analytics

How to create effective gated content | Zapier

To maximize the impact of gated content, Annie recommended embedding PDFs on landing pages. This approach not only provides engagement metrics, such as page visits and duration but also reduces the need for cumbersome forms. By tracking user interactions with the content, businesses can gain valuable insights without imposing additional hurdles on their audience.

For example, by placing a PDF on a HubSpot landing page, companies can track who visits the page, how long they stay, and whether they return. This data is invaluable for understanding user behavior and preferences. It also helps businesses refine their content and marketing strategies to better meet the needs of their audience.


Looking Ahead: The Future of Gated Content

How to Create and Promote an Ebook: Actionable Tips

The future of gated content is closely tied to advancements in AI and changes in data privacy regulations. Annie predicts a shift towards higher-value gated content, such as detailed guides and eBooks, while traditional formats may lose their appeal. Gamifying the process and creating interactive, valuable experiences will likely be key to maintaining user engagement.

We both agreed that the landscape of gated content is evolving, and businesses must adapt by leveraging technology, reducing friction, and offering genuine value to their audience. With tools like HubSpot and strategic approaches to content gating, companies can navigate this complex terrain and continue to build meaningful connections with their audience.


Final Thoughts

Our conversation offered valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities surrounding gated content. It's clear that the balance between accessibility and exclusivity will be crucial in shaping the future of digital content marketing. As AI continues to advance and data privacy concerns grow, businesses will need to be more strategic in how they gate their content and engage their audience.

In conclusion, the future of gated content will depend on a combination of technological advancements, strategic integrations, and a focus on creating genuine value for users. By staying ahead of these trends and continually adapting their strategies, businesses can ensure they remain competitive and effective in their content marketing efforts. This discussion with Annie Birai highlighted the importance of innovation and adaptability in navigating the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing.

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