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Custom-built platform revolutionizes ALS's insurance management with scalability and automation

The Situation

American Legacy Solutions (ALS) is a client-first brokerage committed to assisting individuals in retirement planning. ALS identified the necessity for a bespoke platform to enable insurance agents to manage their operations and for Jay, the broker, to supervise these activities. Existing market solutions were either prohibitively expensive or lacked critical features like flexibility and scalability. ALS aimed to develop a more attractive system to entice other agencies and agents to collaborate with them.


The Solution

To address ALS's challenges, we developed a fully custom platform, benchmarked against existing market solutions, and engineered for scalability. This platform includes a range of automated features and tools, functioning as both a CRM and an LMS (Learning Management System). Key components of the solution include:

  • Frontend and Backend Development: The platform was built with HTML, React, and JavaScript on the front end, while the backend utilized a customizable PHP framework, CodeIgniter. It operates as both a Learning Management System (LMS) and a Content Management System (CMS).

  • Automation: We developed features such as auto calculations, email workflows, and learning modules. The platform automates email reminders, birthday and gift cards, newsletter scheduling, and client onboarding processes from prospect to client status.

  • Custom Tools and Dashboards: Over 15 custom tools were developed for tasks like form submissions, client evaluation, and quoting. The system includes marketing tools, system tips, a custom dashboard with live feeds like weather, and both light and dark modes.

  • User Management: The system comprises four main sections: agents/agencies, recruits, prospects/leads, and clients. It intelligently manages user access, ensuring that super admins can see all clients and leads while agents have restricted views.

  • Communication Integration: Prescription forms, policies, and emails are managed through integrated third-party tools, such as Sendgrid, which has a custom API for sending communications. The system supports printing letters, mailing labels, and submitting new business.

  • Reporting and Calendar Integration: Custom reports are automated and filterable. The platform integrates with Google Calendar and Google Suites for seamless scheduling and communication.

  • Agent Onboarding System: The platform includes a comprehensive onboarding system that facilitates the transition of recruits to agents, streamlining the recruitment process.

  • Security, Scalability, and Future-Proofing: The system's secure and flexible architecture supports unlimited clientele, allows for feature updates as needed, and includes 'system cloning' to create partitioned system versions, ensuring ALS can scale its operations smoothly.


The Results

The custom platform significantly enhanced ALS's operations, yielding several key outcomes:

  • Improved Efficiency: Automation and custom tools streamlined workflows, reducing manual tasks and enhancing agent productivity.

  • Enhanced User Experience: The platform's intuitive design and comprehensive feature set facilitated easier business management for agents and oversight for ALS.

  • Scalability + System Clones: The system's scalability and future-proofing ensure that ALS can easily expand and attract new agencies. One successful clone has already been implemented for a second line of business. 

  • Better Client Management: Advanced reporting, user management, and communication tools improved client interactions and service quality.

  • Seamless Integration: Integration with Google Suites and other third-party tools provided a unified platform for managing all aspects of the business.

  • New Business: The platform effectively supports a growing business book, meeting ALS's objective.

Overall, ALS's custom platform solution delivered a robust, scalable, and efficient system tailored to the specific needs of insurance agents and agencies.

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Agents List

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